The Bloginator

Mon Nov 07

The first ever posting of my new blog!

Written by: Brett Baisley

The Astro logo on a dark background with a pink glow.

Welcome to my blog! Why am I writing a blog? I don’t know. Seems everyone has a blog, or a podcast or a YouTube channel, and I was suffering from FOMO. Nah, the real reason why I started a blog was to learn more about Gatsby, and I figured, why not start with a blog. Seemed like a good usecase at the time.

But then it dawned no me, I’m not much of a writer. This post is likely filled with typos and grammer mistakes. I don’t post to social media. So why would anyone want to read my blog? All I can offer is a little bit of amuzement and laughter regardin this crazy world around us. I won’t be serious. I avoid controversy as life is too short to be arguing with people all the time. If you don’t like what I say, don’t read it, I will not be offended. If you are ok with those rules, then welcome, and enjoy the articles.